Las consecuencias del Turismo....

La bahia de Palma, posiblemente desde lo que hoy en dia es C'an Barbara:

Y Torremolinos, Dios sabe desde donde !!

Y hablando de leyendas...ninguna como la del Angel caido...

Excelente anuncio, lastima que lo estropee un poco el protagonista del final...!!!
Nos quedaremos mejor con las fotos:

The Owls Watch...

On a branch in the top of the poplar tree, far down at the bottom of the garden, the owls sit, watching. Like a row of pious, brown cloaked friars they wait, silently wondering when the performance will commence.Knee deep in the carpet of emerald ivy, hidden away from the rapier gaze of the owls, a family of rabbits nestles shoulder to shoulder - patient, alert.The mice nibble birdseed nervously, looking up, wishing again that they were taller.The navy blue big top sky is festooned with glittering stars, each a tiny spotlight to illuminate the stage set below. Only the March wind dares to make a sound tonight.

Never looking down...yes, that is the trick.
Perhaps he’ll make it to the other side tonight.
Perhaps he won’t get caught.
A hero raccoon at last.
But with a sound like a gun shot, a door flies open and the large white dog flies down the steps - roars down the pathway. The dog looks up in growling shock to see the silhouette of the audacious bandit himself, a black cut-out in the dark blue sky, frozen precisely on the tightrope of the roof, impossibly high.
Suddenly, the owls sit up straighter, lemon yellow eyes fixed in unblinking stares.A rabbit’s nose twitches. A mouse drops a sunflower seed.
Look. There he is, the masked bandit of the midnight circus, making his way up the tallest pine tree. Furry gasps are heard as this acrobat jumps to the highwire roof of the studio, and stops. Has he lost his nerve? No, no, here he goes... cautiously, carefully... one nimble paw in front of the other, his ringed tail following behind him like a convict’s shadow.

The two creatures lock eyes.
For a millisecond, all the world holds its breath.....then explodes.
A fur-scurrying, feather-flapping, claw-sliding melee ... a cacophony of chattering, scrambling, barking, chirping, cheeping, as everyone runs from everyone else, clamboring up and over fences, diving headfirst into burrows, feetfirst into nests.

Then. Quiet. Indignant, the big white dog stands alone in the clearing and shakes himself furiously. To get his fur back in place; to regain his composure. With a final warning glare over his left shoulder and one last huruump to the darkness, he trots back up the pathway, satisfied that once again he has saved his family from certain danger. What on earth would they do without him?
Back through the silent garden he goes - back up the stairs, back into the house.
Back to the warmth of his bed.

While up, up, from their seats in the balcony, the owls watch.

La Primavera ha llegado...

...por lo menos a mi jardin. Hay un monton de bulbos saliendo y todos los arboles tienen las yemas a punto de romper. Despues de la gran cantidad de nieve que cayo este invierno hay algunas plantas muertas y el cesped tiene un aspecto desordenado...pero ya se nota como se alargan los dias y como la fuerza de la primavera esta en todas partes...asi que celebremoslo con Botticelli y su Primavera:

Nos encontramos ante una de las obras más bellas y que mejor definen el estilo de su autor. La técnica utilizada es el temple y el soporte la tabla, como era típico en el Renacimiento. 
Se trata de un tema mitológico, que está integrado por los siguientes personajes: la diosa Venus que se encuentra en el centro, y arriba se forma una especie de aureola, a su izquierda las Tres Gracias, que bailan alegremente cerca del dios Mercurio, (guardián del jardín de Venus) y a su derecha se encuentran Céfiro y su esposa, la ninfa Cloris, un poco más adelante aparece Flora y encima de la cabeza de Venus, aparece volando un ángel, sin duda Cupido. Los personajes se sitúan en un bosque de naranjos.

Se trata de una obra idealista, aunque los personajes presenten rasgos muy naturalistas apreciables sobre todo en las facciones y en los cabellos, pero el paisaje es bastante idealista y los cuerpos carecen de naturalismo. Por otro lado, se trata de un cuadro en el que se aprecia un fuerte dinamismo, pues todas las figuras parecen estar agitadas, esto se aprecia especialmente en los cabellos y en los mantos que cubren los cuerpos de las Tres Gracias, así como en los vestidos de los demás personajes.

En este cuadro desaparece totalmente la rigidez, para dar lugar a unos rostros nostálgicos, como el de Venus y Flora, otros más tiernos como los de las Tres Gracias, mientras que Mercurio tiene un rostro más entusiasmado, y Cloris y Céfiro se miran mutuamente con amor. A pesar del detallismo que este autor emplea en las figuras, esta minuciosidad desaparece respecto al paisaje, el cual es bastante sencillo, además tampoco le interesa la perspectiva ni la profundidad, pues la pintura es bastante plana. La luz es nítida, la cual alumbra todas las partes de la obra. También podemos apreciar los contornos de las figuras, definidos con una línea negra, la mayoría de estas líneas son curvas que oscilan como ondas. Por último cabe señalar que en esta obra predominan los colores claros, aunque sin excluir los tonos más oscuros y brillantes.

El autor, Sandro Botticelli, gran representante del Quattrocento, es un pintor de una sensibilidad exquisita, al que como se puede apreciar claramente en esta obra no le interesan las conquistas técnicas, se podría decir que su concepción de la pintura es más poética que científica o matemática. Opta por las figuras humanas, dejando el tratamiento del paisaje en un segundo plano.
Domina en él la vocación de dibujante de líneas deliciosas, que oscilan como ondas. Estas figuras suelen aparecer agitadas por el movimiento y con rostros meláncolicos. Al final de su vida se acentuará el dramatismo en sus obras con colores intensos, movimiento exaltado y contenido moralizante.

Beleive The Legend...Beware The Wolf...

How Can You Keep Out...What Is Already In...

According to the Roman poet Juvenal who wrote around 100 AD, the hood or cucullus was a Celtic invention. It was primarily worn by people close to the land or those routinely exposed to the elements, such as farm laborers, travelers or shepherds. It had a practical funnel-shape, which could be easily pulled over the head. It was worn separately or combined with a cape or tunic. Besides having these utilitarian functions, the cucullus could also conceal the identity of the wearer. The most basic information about a person was wrapped in mystery, so-to-speak, because it was difficult to ascertain the gender, age, occupation or intent of such a cloaked figure.

In areas of Europe occupied by both Romans and Celts, archaeologists have found numerous representations of a hooded deity, which they refer to as genius cucullatus. Some of these figures are considered to be female and are believed to be associated with earth goddesses. They often carry eggs or other fertility symbols. Others carry parchments or scrolls, possibly signifying the wisdom and power associated with healing. It is believed these cult figures were revered for their control over prosperity, health and fertility. In 1931 two altars were found in the village of Wabelsdorf, Austria with the inscription “genio cucullato” or “to the hooded deity”. This finding is important because it confirms a formal cult following for these hooded figures. In Britain, genius cucullatus usually appears in groupings of three but in the Rhine-Moselle region of Germany the figure is usually alone and appears dwarf-like. The number three was significant in Celtic thought and this is also reflected in the tale of Brigit, who simultaneously represented a mother figure, a guardian of childbirth and a goddess of prosperity.

Thus, there are ample clues in the archaelogical record but no proofs (to-date) confirming the identity or exact nature of this figure. A hooded deity has been prominent in the European imagination for thousands of years in an area extending from Bohemia in the East to Ireland in the West.
The Dirneweibl (of Bavarian folk tradition) and the character Little Red Riding Hood share some of the attributes of this mysterious deity: they all wear a cloak, which to some extent conceals their true identity; they offer life-giving nourishment in the form of wine, cake and apples and thus represent healing, security and prosperity; the color red ties them to passion, love and fecundity. In short, these two figures of folk tradition share the same attributes associated with the hooded deity. It is perhaps most fitting that such characters be forever shrouded in mystery, leaving most of the story to the imagination.

Como siempre...detras de cada leyenda se esconde una oscura realidad...

The Wolf and The Fortuneteller

Este es un antiguo cuento persa...el final puede tener varias interpretaciones...

Late one night, an old fortuneteller was returning home from the bazaar.
It was getting dark, so the fortuneteller decided to take a short-cut though the woods, to get home faster.
Along the way, she encountered a hungry wolf.
 The wolf was about to eat her when she cried out, “Oh wolf! Spare me and I will tell you your future!”
The wolf agreed, and the fortunteller held the wolf’s ear as she concentrated.
 After a few minutes of deep thought, the fortuneteller told the wolf, “You will become a shepard.”
The wolf instantly sat down and started crying, much to the surprise of the fortuneteller.
“Why are you crying,” asked the fortuneteller.
“I’m afraid you might be lying,” replied the wolf.

--Recopilado por Cyrus Safdari

Catedral de Burgos...

...esta es una foto increible:

Asedio al Castillo del Amor

Relieve en marfil - Museo del Louvre

Peder Mork Monsted: The Ravello Coastline (1926)

You can nearly feel the morning breeze...

Going and Coming...

Going and Coming  by Norman Rockwell

Going and Coming, published in August of 1947, is a good example of a story painting that is both seasonal and topical. The added ingredient of humor makes it even more engaging and thus contributes to its success. The use of two images within one picture allows Rockwell to be more detailed and create a continuum of time. We see the before and the after of the imagined event, a family 's summer outing by the lake. Clues abound for the reader's enjoyment in unraveling the story line.

No "are we there yet...?" on the way back!

Very interesting quotes about fairy tales...from very interesting people:

If you want your children to be intelligent, read them fairy tales. If you want them to be more intelligent, read them more fairy tales.
-- Albert Einstein

A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales.
-- Marie Curie

If you happen to read fairy tales, you will observe that one idea runs from one end of them to the other--the idea that peace and happiness can only exist on some condition. This idea, which is the core of ethics, is the core of the nursery-tales.
-- G. K. Chesterton

The Star...the card of hope

This is a great mini story that helps to understand the meaning of this tarot card, one of the most beautiful ones:
On the bleak landscape where the Tower stood, the Fool sits, empty, despairing. He hoped to find himself on this spiritual journey, but now he feels he's lost everything, even himself. Sitting on the cold stones, he gazes up at the night sky wondering what's left. And that is when he notices, nearby, a beautiful girl with two water urns. As he watches, she kneels by a pool of water illuminated with reflected starlight. She empties the urns, one into the pool, one onto the thirsty ground.

"What are you doing," he asks her. She looks up at him, her eyes twinkling like stars. "I am refilling this pool, so that those who are thirsty may drink, and I am also watering the earth so that, come spring, the seeds will grow," she tells him. And then she adds, "Come. Drink." The Fool comes to kneel with her by the pool and drink. The water tastes wonderful, like liquid starlight. "I can see you are sad," the girl continues, "and I know why. But you must remember that you have not lost all. Knowledge, possibilities, and hope, you still have all of these. Like stars, they can lead you to a new future." Even as she says this, she began to fade away, like dew, vanishing. All that remains is a gleam that was at the center of her forehead. This rises up and up, until it settles in the night sky as a shining star. "Follow your star," the woman's voice seems to sing from that light, "and have hope." The Fool takes in a breath and rises. It is a dark night, a desolate land. But for the first time, he has a guiding light to show him the way. Distant as it is, it heals his heart, and restores his faith.
-- (from The Aeclectic Tarot)
There is also a very suggestive passage in Tolkien's Lord of The Rings that clearly evokes the significance of The Star:
There, peeping above the cloud wrack above a dark tor high up in the mountains, Sam saw a white star twinkle for a while. The beauty of it smote his heart, as he looked up out of the forsaken land, and hope returned to him. For like a shat, clear and cold, the thought pierced him that in the end the shadow was only a small and passing thing: there was light and high beauty for ever beyond its reach.
-- (The Lord of The Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien)

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.
"Dune" by Frank Herbert
Este blog va a estar dedicado a compartir con my familia y amigos algunas de las cosas mas fascinantes que he visto, leido, escuchado o encontrado rebuscando en la red, entre ellas esa interesante valoracion recopilada por Johnny Mosses, que quiero usar como primer post, y que pone en justa perspectiva nuestra posicion como especie en el Universo.
Long ago the trees thought they were people. Long ago the mountains thought they were people. Long ago the animals thought they were people. Someday they will say, long ago the humans thought they were people...
-- from a traditional Native American story recounted by Johnny Moses